Blessed is the one who knows he knows not, but is willing to learn - A proverb
Development of technologies and technical disciplines has considerably improved the quality of human life; however, it gave rise to man-induced changes in the environment. Besides, conscious and unconscious human impact on the living environment inevitably jeopardized its quality. A commitment to protect humans in their workplace and living environmentis the goal of the employees at the Faculty of Occupational Safety. This journal has been designed as a much-needed resource for presenting the new research in the field of occupational and environmental safety to the scientific and professional audience. The idea was launched by the Centre for Technical Systems Safety and Center for Distribution of Developmental Strategies of the Faculty of Occupational Safety in Niš. Our goal is to promote the journal to become a linkage between the academic and scientific institutions, employees and individuals who work towards the improvement of safe work and the quality of life. I sincerely hope that the authors will manage to report their innovative ideas through well-written and structured articles that will be published in the Safety Engineering journal
On behalf of the editors
Dejan Krstić, PhD
Blago onome ko zna da ne zna, a hoće da zna - narodna poslovica
Razvoj tehnologija i tehničkih disciplina je unapredio kvalitet čovekovog života s jedne strane, dovodeći do intervencije čoveka u životnoj sredini. S druge strane, svesno i nesvesno delovanje na životnu sredinu je neminovno ugrozilo njen kvalitet. Potreba da se zaštiti čovek u radnoj i životnoj sredini, kao i sama životna sredina je zadatak zaposlenih na Fakultetu zaštite na radu u Nišu. Časopis koji je pred vama je nastao kao zahtev da se naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti izlože nove ideje u oblasti zaštite radne i životne sredine. Ideja je potekla od strane Centra za bezbednost tehničkih sistema i Centra za distibuciju razvojnih strategija, Fakulteta zaštite na radu u Nišu. Naš cilj je da časopis bude sprega između naučnih i stručnih institucija i pojedinaca u unapređenju bezbednosti radnog procesa i samog kvaliteta života.Iskreno sa nadam, da će autori u svojim radovima visokih tehničkih i naučnih kvaliteta koji budu objavljivani u časopisu Safety Engineering pružiti potrebne informacije čitaocima.
U ime urednika
Dejan Krstić, PhD