
The official languages of the Journal are Serbian and English.

Submission of Papers

One author is allowed to submit a maximum of two papers, one as the first author and another as the co-author.
A maximum length of papers is 8 pages, A4 format.

Template and instruction for authors

Safety Engineering Journal publishes original scientific contributions and professional papers in the field of occupational safety engineering, environmental safety, and fire safety. 

Scientific articles: 
- research paper (a paper which in which unpublished results of authors' research are presented using the scientific method)
- review paper (a paper which contains an original, detailed and critical review of the research problem or the field in which the authors’ contribution can be demonstrated by self-citation)
- short communication (short description of important current research findings)
- scientific discussion or criticism (debate on a specific scientific topic based on scientific arguments)

Professional reports:
- professional paper (a paper which describes useful experiences in professional practice, not necessarily based on a scientific method)
- informative contribution (editorial, comment, etc.)
- review of a book, a software, a case study, a scientific event, etc.

Papers may be written in Serbian and English and published in both hard copy and a soft copy on the website of the Faculty of Occupational Safety, University of Niš.

Safety Engneering Journal is published twice a year. All papers published in the journal are subjected to peer review by the members of the Editorial Board who determine the time frame for their publication. Comments and suggestions of the editors and reviewers are submitted to the author for final revision.

Template for papers can be found HERE.