We encourage submissions from researchers, academics, engineers, designers, developers and all other interested individuals concerned with safety engineering to share their recent findings, ideas and information that will foster cooperative efforts to improve science. All submissions are subject to peer review by the well-regarded editorial board and by expert referees in appropriate specialties.
SUBMISSION DETAILS: Submitted article length must be less than 8 A4 column pages. Submitted articles should strictly follow the format of the template article. Click here for the sample article.
There is no submission fee & publication fee. Articles for consideration should be submitted to the Editor on e-mail: casopis@znrfak.ni.ac.rs
If you have any questions about your submission, please do not hesitate to contact the Technical Assistant on e-mail: aleksandra.petkovic@znrfak.ni.ac.rs
Authors are welcome to send the abstracts prior to full-paper submission. Ultimately, the Editor-in-chief will decide on how well their papers match the journal scope.
COPYRIGHT: Authors retain copyright of the published papers and have full responsibility for their contents. The publisher has the unlimited right to offer and distribute the edition with the papers published in it. The publisher assumes no responsibility whatsoever if the authors have inflicted harm or damage to any third parties.
DISCLAIMER: As an organizer of the symposium publisher of the Journal assumes no responsibility whatsoever, direct or implied, for the contents of the papers as well as for the consequences arising from misinterpretation or unawareness of the requirements for participation. The fact that you have submitted a registration form for the Journal means that you have read and agreed with the present conditions.