Due to the large number of papers and other factors accompanying the online format of the Conference, the organizers need to know the actual number of papers that will be presented.
The authors are kindly invited to choose between one of the following options:
Due to possible technical obstacles, all presenting authors are required to send PowerPoint voice-over presentations (PPT/PPS documents) by 10th November.
Guidelines for preparing voice-over PPT_PPS presenations can be found
Authors choose to submit pre-prepared PowerPoint voice-over presentations (PPT/PPS documents).
Guidelines for preparing voice-over PPT_PPS presenations can be found
The template for preparing voice-over PPT/PPS can be downloaded
Poster presentations limited to 10 PPT slides will be published at the designated location on the Conference website.
The template for the poster presentation can be downloaded
Authors do not intend to present their papers in one of the previous presentation modes.
NOTE: All accepted papers with paid Conference Fees, regardless of the presentation manner listed above (options 1 to 4), will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
With authors’ consent, modified/extended versions of selected papers might be published in one of the three open-access Partner journals - Safety Engineering, The International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Safety (IJOOES), and Facta Universitatis, Series: Working and Living Environmental Protection.
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